How to set up a special period

Location: Settings > Opening hours > Special periods

Special periods are useful for adjusting the restaurant’s availability for specific dates, such as during holidays or special events. This feature allows you to set different opening hours or close the restaurant for an extended time. For closing a single day, it’s recommended to use special opening hours and notes.

To find and set up special periods, navigate to Settings > Opening hours > Special periods.

Adding a Special Period

Click “Add period” to create a new special period.

Name: This is an internal name for the special period, which is not visible to guests. It helps you identify the period in the system.

Start date: The date when the special period begins. For example, if you want to close for summer holidays, set the start date to the first day of closure.

End date: The date when the special period ends. The restaurant will revert to its regular schedule after this date.

Setting Opening Hours

During a special period, you can define the specific opening and closing hours for each day. This allows you to adjust when bookings are possible during that time.

Opening time: The time when the restaurant opens for bookings. This indicates the first available booking time for the day.

Closing time: The time when the restaurant closes for bookings. This sets the latest time a booking can end. For example, if the closing time is set to 10:00 PM and the booking duration is 2 hours, the last booking can start at 8:00 PM.

The default booking duration is 2 hours. You can modify this setting by going to Settings > General > Booking settings > Duration.

Allow online booking: Check this box to allow online bookings during this period. If unchecked, bookings can only be made manually by the staff.

Once you’ve configured the special period, click “Save” to apply your changes. The special period will be active during the defined dates, adjusting the restaurant’s availability as specified.

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