Location: Settings > General > Booking Settings
To activate the waiting list, navigate to Settings > Booking Settings > Waiting List. The waiting list allows guests to sign up when a timeslot is fully booked or if you have closed a specific arrival time.

Manual Waiting List: For a manual waiting list, you will need to contact guests directly to offer them a table.
Automated Notifications: When a table becomes available, guests on the waiting list will receive an email inviting them to confirm or decline the booking. If they accept, a confirmation email is sent to them and the booking is moved to the diagram/list/table plan as a final booking. If they decline, the system will notify the next guest on the list automatically.
Acceptance Timeframes: Guests have a limited time to accept the booking request based on how soon the reservation is. The time limits are as follows:
- More than 14 days: 96 hours
- 7-14 days: 48 hours
- 3-7 days: 24 hours
- 36-72 hours: 12 hours
- 24-36 hours: 8 hours
- 12-24 hours: 3 hours
- 6-12 hours: 90 minutes
- 1.5-6 hours: 30 minutes
- 0-1.5 hours: 15 minutes
Only Show Waiting List When Fully Booked: If enabled, the waiting list will appear only when all available times for the day are fully booked. For instance, the waiting list for lunch will be visible only if all dinner slots are booked as well.
Guests will be directed to a page where they can specify their flexibility regarding the desired timeslot.
Guests have four options for arrival flexibility: None, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes. This choice determines how much flexibility they have around their preferred timeslot. For example, if a guest requests a reservation at 5:00 PM, they may also be considered for times like 5:30 PM or 6:00 PM if those become available.

The waiting list is visible in the backend for specific days. Here, you can view and edit waiting list entries or create a booking if you’ve been in direct contact with the guest. You can also see the arrival flexibility chosen by the guest.