Settings > General > Advanced > Periodic criteria
Here you can set up criteria for specific periods of the day or depending on the number of guests. Afterward, you can add one or more of the criteria per weekday in opening hours and in booking types, and also use them at specific dates.
As per default, there are no periodic criteria.
Creating a periodic criterion
Below is an example of a criterion that extends the booking duration up to 4 hours for 8 and more people.
N.B.: Change settings for periodic criterion only if different from the default.
Name: Name of the periodic criterion for internal use.
Period: Period of the day when the criterion is active.
Guests: Number of guests the criterion is active for.
Online booking: Should the online booking be open or closed?
Booking duration: Change duration for bookings that meet the criterion.
Use ending time: Choose if guests will be informed about booking duration or not.
Confirm duration: If “Yes” is selected, guests must confirm accepting the duration of their online booking.
Turnaround time: Select minimum time between bookings for preparation of the table.
Satisfaction surveys: Choose “Yes” to send satisfaction surveys by e-mail to guests after each visit.
Payment: Choose a payment setup (if any).
Max. bookings per arrival time: Limit the number of online bookings that can be made at each arrival time.
Max. guests per arrival time: Limit the number of guests that arrive at each arrival time.
Max capacity (concurrent guests): Limit the number of guests that can be at the restaurant simultaneously.
Booking info: Enter custom information and it will be displayed below the comment field in step 2 of the booking. Adding information to online booking.
Confirmation e-mail note: Enter a custom note and it will be added to the confirmation e-mail. Read more: Adding custom text to the confirmation e-mail.