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Creating a manual booking

Location: Frontpage

Select the date in the calendar on the left side, then choose “New booking” or select a time on the timeline (Diagram-view).

Arrival: Choose a time of arrival from the drop-down menu.

Duration: The duration of the booking (default is set up in Settings > General > Booking settings).

Guests: Choose the number of guests from the drop-down menu.

Tables: The system automatically finds one or more tables for the booking if “Table suggestions” is active in Setting > Advanced. Click on “Show all free tables” to see all available tables and to change tables. The system prevents double bookings. 

Lock tables: If active, tables cannot be moved and cannot be dragged in the diagram view.

Mobile: Enter the customer’s mobile number. 

Name: Enter customer’s name. If it is an existing customer, the name is filled out automatically.

Company: Enter the customer’s company if requested.

E-mail: Enter customer’s e-mail address. If it is an existing customer, the e-mail is filled out automatically. 

E-mail confirmation: If active the guest receives a confirmation by e-mail.

Comment: You can enter comments for internal use only.

Language: Confirmation language for SMS and e-mail.

Files: If there’s a special message or file that needs to be sent to that guest.

Payment: Choose the payment type that’ll be used for that guest, leave blank if you’re just going standard.

Payment deadline: How long ahead of the booking arrival the guest need to have paid if the payment type is set up to receive pre-payments.

Type: If the restaurant has created any booking type, then you can add it to the guest information here.

Language: If the guest speaks a different language, you can set it up here, and then they’ll receive all their mails/SMS in their preferred language.

Created by: If the restaurant has set up initials, then you can make your workers fill in who made the manual booking, by choosing their initials from the drop-down menu.

Updated on November 11, 2021

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