Creating a manual booking

Location: Frontpage

New booking screen

Select the date in the calendar on the left side, then choose “New booking” or select a time on the timeline (Diagram-view).

Manual booking details

Type: Select a booking type if enabled. If booking types are not in use, this field will not appear.

Arrival Date: The date of arrival. Click the date to make changes.

Arrival time: The time of arrival.

Duration: Duration of the booking (default is 2 hours).

Guests: Number of guests.

Tables: Available tables for the selected duration; multiple tables can be combined if necessary.

Lock tables: Lock the guest to a specific table, primarily for staff notification purposes.

Mobile: Guest’s mobile number.

Name: Guest’s name. Below, you can see the total number of bookings made by the guest, tracked using their phone number and email.

E-mail: Guest’s email used for sending booking confirmations. A red triangle indicates an invalid email.

Internal Comment: Comment left by the restaurant. If “Include in e-mail confirmation” is checked, the comment will be included in the confirmation email.

Files: Attach files to the booking and include them in the email confirmation if needed.

Preordering: Select a preorder setup if enabled. If preordering is not in use, this field will not appear.

Language: Choose the language in which the guest will receive communication.

Tags: If tags are enabled, they will appear here. If not, this field will remain hidden.

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