Location: Settings > General > Advanced > Periodic criteria
If you have important information that you want guests to acknowledge when making a booking, you can display it as a note on the final page before they complete their reservation. You can choose to require guests to accept this information to complete their booking or simply present it as informational text with no confirmation needed.
To add the information, navigate to Settings > General > Advanced > Periodic criteria. Then, click on “Add periodic criterion.”
In the “Name” section, enter a descriptive name like “Important information for booking.” This name is only for internal reference and will not be visible to guests. Scroll down to the “Booking info” field, where you can write the text you want guests to see. If you have multiple languages, you can add translations as needed. If you want guests to confirm this “Booking info” during their booking process, select the “Confirmation required” checkbox.
When periodic criteria are applied to general opening hours or a booking type, the “Booking info” will appear as a term in the booking process, and guests will be required to confirm it. For more information on adding criteria to your opening hours, read this guide.