Location: Settings > Feedback questions
This page allows the restaurant to manage feedback questions that will be sent to guests approximately 10 hours after their booking. You can edit existing questions or add new ones to tailor the feedback experience to gather more relevant insights from your guests.
Active Questions
The active questions section displays the feedback questions currently being used:
- Name: Displays the question being asked (e.g., Food, Service, Atmosphere, Recommend).
- NPS: Indicates whether the question is included in the Net Promoter Score (NPS) assessment.
- Comments: Shows if comments are enabled for that question.
Inactive Questions
This section shows any questions that have been deactivated. You can reactivate these questions if needed.
Adding or Editing Questions
To add a new question, click on the New question button. To edit an existing question, select it from the active questions list and make your changes.
Feedback surveys can also be found in CRM > Feedback responses.