About the place

Location: Settings > General > The Place

The information in this section is visible to guests, so it’s crucial to ensure its accuracy. This data is used across various functions in the easyTable system, including guest communication and integrations.

The Place:

Name: The name of the restaurant, displayed in all messages and emails sent to guests.

Phone: The contact number that guests can use to reach the restaurant.

E-mail: The email address that guests can use for communication with the restaurant.

Address: Includes the street address, zip code, city, and country. This information appears in email confirmations and helps link the restaurant with our “Reserve with Google” integration.

Regional Settings:

Language: Sets the language for the easyTable backend interface, allowing the system to better cater to your staff’s needs.

Time Zone: Sets the time zone for the restaurant’s location, ensuring that all bookings and time-sensitive settings align with your local time.

Time Format: Choose between 12-hour or 24-hour time formats. This setting applies to displayed booking times for manual bookings.

Initials (Optional): Add staff initials here. When staff manually create bookings, the system prompts for initials for better tracking and accountability.

The Place settings

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