Connecting to Stripe account Location: Settings > Guest payment > Payment gateway Credit card payments from your guests can be processed through a Stripe...
Connecting to Nets Easy Location: Settings > Guest payment > Payment gateway Credit card payments from your guests can be handled via a Stripe...
Setting up guest payment Location: Settings > Guest Payment In this section, you can add one or more payment setups to receive prepayments, deposits,...
Adding payment to Opening hours Location: Settings > General > Opening hours > General opening hours You can add payment setups to your general opening...
Using payment for a specific date You can apply payment setups to specific dates in your booking calendar. To do this, navigate to Booking, select a...
Adding payment to Booking types Location: Settings > General > Advanced > Booking types You can add payment setups to your booking types to ensure...
Adding specific payment options to Periodic criteria. Location: Settings > General > Advanced > Periodic criteria You can add a specific payment option to your Periodic criteria...