Creating a manual booking Location: Frontpage Select the date in the calendar on the left side, then choose “New booking” or select a time...
Creating a Walk-in Walk-ins are created on the current date as soon as guests arrive at the restaurant without a prior booking. When...
Managing a booking / Color code explanation Location: Booking Management Information Type: Select a booking type if enabled. If booking types are not in use, this field...
Changing the booking view – Diagram / List / Table plan You can change the layout of the Booking view by selecting Diagram, List, or Table plan directly from the front...
How to disable/close online booking for a specific day Location: Booking Go to Booking and select a day in the calendar on the left side. When you are located...
How to close online booking in specific timeframes Location: Frontpage When you are on the front page, you can navigate to the settings icon located near the text...
How to Switch Between Light and Dark Mode How to Switch Between Light and Dark Mode in easyTable easyTable allows you to switch between light and dark mode...
How to close a booking type on a specific date Location: Booking > Special opening hours and notes How to Close or Open a Booking Type on a Specific Date...